


The Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission (VICCC) has the authority to license and regulate legalized casino gambling and related businesses within the casino zones on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands and internet gambling throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands. Pursuant to V.I. Code Ann. tit. 32, § 404, the VICCC is an independent agency of the executive branch of the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands and is comprised of three full-time members addressed as Commissioners. Each member must be a citizen of the United States of America, and two must be residents of the St. Croix district and one a resident of St. Thomas-St. John district. No person holding elective or appointive office in the federal or territorial government is eligible to serve as a member. Each member is appointed for a five-year term and no member may serve more than two consecutive full terms.

Appointments to the VICCC and the designation of the VICCC Chairman are made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. The Chairman is also the Chief Executive Officer and holds that office throughout the member’s entire term and until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Each member serves for the duration of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualified, subject to a 120-day limitation after the expiration of the member’s term. A member can be removed from office only through an action filed by the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands in the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands on the grounds of misconduct, willful neglect of duty, other conduct evidencing unfitness, or for incompetence. An appointment to fill a vacancy is for the unexpired term of the member to be replaced.

The VICCC is aided in its work by the Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) established within the Virgin Islands Department of Justice. The DGE is responsible for investigating licensure applications, enforcing the gambling statutes and rules and regulations, and prosecuting before the VICCC all proceedings for violations of the Virgin Islands Casino and Resort Control Act of 1995, as codified at 32 V.I.C. § 401 et seq. The DGE is under the immediate supervision of a Director who must be a sworn Assistant Attorney General. The Director is appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature of the Virgin Islands and serves during the term of office of the Governor. The Attorney General is responsible for the exercise of all duties and powers assigned to the DGE and can remove the Director for cause upon notice and opportunity to be heard.

The stability, continuity, and success of the gambling industry is inextricably linked to the public’s confidence and trust that the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands will ensure that those involved in the industry possess good character, honesty, and integrity. Stewardship over that public confidence and trust is a principal responsibility of the Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission.

For further information about the VICCC, please see Frequently Asked Questions.



The Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission is statutorily mandated to develop and implement a licensing and regulatory framework that permits and promotes the stability and continuity of the gambling and gaming industry in the U.S. Virgin Islands of casinos pursuant to the Virgin Islands Casino and Resort Control Act of 1995, as amended, of internet gaming and gambling pursuant to the Virgin Islands Internet Gaming and Internet Gambling Act, as amended, and of racinos pursuant to the Virgin Islands Horse Racing Industry Assistance Acts of 2011 and 2016, as amended, by assuring the good character, honesty and integrity of all licensed operators and employees and related businesses; by protecting the gambling and gaming industry from the influence of criminal activity; and by fostering public confidence and trust in the activities of the gambling and gaming industry.



Marvin L. Pickering


Carolyn P. Hermon-Percell


Luther F. Renee

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